How do I Edit Tickets in the Console?
You can edit existing tickets any time to update their details.
Remember: This feature is not available with a trial subscription. Check out which subscription you need to get the most of GoTo Resolve.
- Sign in to the Agent Console at
- Go to the Helpdesk page and select a ticket.
- You can add the following details to a ticket:
Ticket detail Description Requested by Name of the agent who created the ticket or name of the end user for whom the ticket was created. Only editable while creating a ticket. Priority Set the urgency of the ticket. Default priority is Medium. Category Select a category for your ticket. Categories are defined in GoTo Admin for each helpdesk service individually. Categories are listed in alphabetic order, and you can also search them by starting to type the name of a category. See How do I add helpdesk services in GoTo Admin? Due date Set a date by when the ticket should be resolved. When you have turnaround time defined, Set by your helpdesk is displayed and you cannot change a ticket's due date. Tenant Associate the ticket with a tenant. Only available if you have tenants set up. Assigned to Assign the ticket to an agent in your organization. You cannot assign tickets to people outside your organization. Subject Type a short description of the issue. Summary of the issue Add details of the issue. As best practice, you should add as much detail as possible about an issue to make it easier for agents to find a resolution. To create an AI-generated summary of the issue based on the content of the ticket, select Generate summary at the top of the page. You can Copy the summary to the Summary of the issue field. You can also use standard formatting options, such as bold, italic, lists, headings, hyperlinks, line breaks, quotes, and even adding separators in your description to make it easy to read. When inserting inline images, those are added as attachments.When an end user creates a ticket from an email, the formatting of the original email is also preserved in email notifications. Status Status of the ticket that describes the agent's progress. The following statuses are available: - Open - the ticket is assigned to an agent
- In Progress - an agent started working on the ticket
- On Hold - the ticket is assigned, but work is temporarily put on hold
- Blocked - agent cannot continue work on the issue. Blocked generally means that the ticket cannot progress because there is a dependency. For example, someone was waiting for customer response, or a dependent feature release. Agents can use this status to stop progress until the blocker of the ticket is removed. 'Blocked' status also stops time tracking.
- Resolved - issue is resolved. Ticket can be closed.
- Closed - the ticket is closed
- Cancelled - Ticket is no longer relevant
Comments Add comments to the ticket. Similarly to the Summary of the issue field, you can use the toolbar above the field to apply format your comment. When the en-user receive an email with the agent's comment, the email preserves the text formatting of the Comments field. Hide comment from end-user The end user does not receive a notification about creating or changing the ticket. Available when you add a comment. Previous Comments You can edit or delete comments that agents added to the ticket. Only the first two lines of a comment is visible by default. You can click the comment to view its full content. The Previous Comments section is inly available when a ticket has at least one comment.
- Save your changes.
Note: Tickets are kept permanently in GoTo Resolve until you manually delete them. This applies to tickets created in the Console, Microsoft Teams, and on mobile as well.
For more ticketing-related questions, see our Ticketing FAQs.
Article last updated: 15 April, 2024