How do I track time spent on tickets?
In the ticket editor, agents can track time that they actively spend on resolving helpdesk tickets.
Remember: This feature is not available with a trial subscription. Check out which subscription you need to get the most of GoTo Resolve.
How do I update time I have worked on a ticket?
To update the time that you've spent on a ticket, open the ticket and change the content of the
Time tracking filed. Notice that the new time that you enter will overwrite the original value. It will not be added to the time that you have originally spent on the issue.
How do I view a report on time tracking?
Admins can view helpdesk reports, including time spent on tickets, on the
Reporting page to see the performance of agents.
Note: Time spent on a ticket is not the same as "closing time" in reports, which is the time between creating and closing a ticket.
Article last updated: 15 June, 2023
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