How do I manage my recordings? (Classic)
Preview, delete, edit, or download your recordings, among other things, all in one simple place. This gives you all of the control you need to effectively manage your recordings before sharing them, but without the all of the inefficiencies.
All of these features are available for online recordings. Any sessions locally recorded on your computer will need to be
converted and uploaded (see below for steps) before these features become applicable.
If you don't see your desired entry, your session likely didn't record for which there could be a few reasons. First, the recording might not have been converted yet. See "Convert a recording" above to learn more about converting your raw file. Second, the recording might have been mislocated. If you did not change the default location, you should be able to find your recording in your
Documents folder. See
Locate Recording Files to learn more about how your recording files are stored.
What to do next: Once the recording entry is set to your liking, you can easily
share it with your attendees.