Using the Dashboard as an MSP
As a Managed Service Provider (MSP), the Dashboard is your landing page that provides a quick overview of your helpdesk tickets, and the status and health of your devices across all your client accounts.
Being an overview page, the Dashboard lets you decide your next step when planning your daily tasks. After a quick glimpse at your outstanding issues, you can decide the most important step to take in helping your end users. Although you can switch between your client accounts with the account selector in the top-left, the Dashboard always displays information on all your accounts, regardless of which account you are signed into.
The Dashboard provides account-level information on the following panes:
- Tickets
- The Tickets pane displays the number of helpdesk tickets for each client account individually and collectively. Click an account in the list to view the tickets of the selected organization. Only those tickets are included in the Dashboard that were created in helpdesk services that you can access. See How do I Edit Tickets in the Console?
- Alerts
- The total number of unacknowledged alerts in your client accounts. Click an account in the list to view the alerts on the selected organization's devices. See How do I Manage Incoming Alerts in GoTo Resolve?
- Devices with alerts
- The number of alerts per devices in your client accounts.
- Top alert types
- The most frequent alerts per client account.
- Alert priorities
The total number of alerts by priority for all your client accounts.
- Windows updates
Number of critical and optional Windows updates that you can install on devices in each client account. The total number of patches display the number of
devices that have critical or optional Windows updates. Click an account in the list to view the available Windows updates on the selected organization's devices. See
How do I View Available Windows and Third-Party App Updates in GoTo Resolve?
Note: The Windows updates pane of the Dashboard is currently in development and will be generally available soon.
- Endpoint protection
- Number of antivirus issues in each client account's devices. These include devices where either threats or outdated virus definitions were found, or an antivirus software was not installed. Click an account in the list to view the antivirus status of your devices. See How do I Manage Antivirus in GoTo Resolve?
How to reorganize your Dashboard?
You can change the layout of your Dashboard in multiple ways:
- Resize a pane
To get a better - or more compact - view of a pane, you can resize it by dragging the arrow in the bottom right of the pane.
- Sort data
You can sort data in the panes by clicking a header of the relevant table. For example, to sort client accounts by most helpdesk tickets that are in progress, click the
In progress header on the
Tickets pane.
- Reorganize the position of panes
If you don't like how panes are organized by default, you can simply move them around. To do so, click and hold the dotted icon in the top right and the drag-and-drop the pane to its new location.
- Display information in compact view
You can hide the total number of issues on a pane by clicking the chart icon in the top right.
- Reset your Dashboard layout
- You can return to the default Dashboard layout by clicking Reset layout in the top right.
How to search for client accounts?
When you have multiple client accounts and you don't see those on a single page, you can easily search your accounts. Start typing an account name to get a filtered list.
Your search applies to a single pane only. You cannot apply your search to all panes.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I switch between my client accounts from the Dashboard?
- You can use the company selector at the top to switch between your client accounts. Notice however that switching to another account does not impact the data that you see on the Dashboard: it always displays the details of all your accounts.
- Can I use the Dashboard to show only a single client account's data?
- No. The Dashboard always displays information on all your client accounts. To filter information, use the Search field on the individual panes.
- Can I hide a pane completely?
- No, but you can reduce the size of a pane to show the totals only.
- I can't see one of my client accounts on the Dashboard. What now?
- Make sure you are a member of that client account. An admin can add you to a client account in GoTo Admin or in GoTo Admin Partner edition.
- I can't see one of my client accounts on a specific pane of the Dashboard.
- In that case, your company does not have access to that feature. For example, when a company does not have Helpdesk capability, it won't be listed on the Tickets pane of the Dashboard.
- Do I have to refresh my Dashboard to get the latest data?
- No. The Dashboard is automatically refreshed every minute. Naturally, you can refresh your browser if you are in a hurry.
- Will there be more features added to the Dashboard?
- Yes, that's our plan.
- Where can I sign in to the Partner Admin Portal?
- As an MSP, you can sign in at to manage your client accounts.
- Is there any documentation on Partner integration?
- Yes, you can read about the integration in How do I integrate with my PSA?
- What permissions do I need to see companies on the Dashboard?
You must have admin and agent roles to use the Dashboard. When you only have admin role in a company, you can see the Dashboard, but cannot view the specific feature, such as helpdesk tickets of that company. Likewise, when you only have agent role in a company, you cannot see the Dashboard in that company. Notice that if you switch to another company where you have admin role, you'll be able to see the Dashboard - for all companies.
For best experience, you should have admin and agent role in a company.
- Does the Dashboard display tenant information?
- Yes. If you set up tenants, your Dashboard automatically displays your tenants instead of companies.