Use o painel de controle para executar a sessão
O painel de controle em sessão fornece a você acessibilidade a todos os recursos e ferramentas que GoTo Webinar oferece em nosso aplicativo para desktop.
A disponibilidade e a visibilidade das seguintes opções dependem da função que você exerce (organizador, participante, apresentador ativo, etc.):
- (1) Ver detalhes da sessão
- (2) Bloquear sua sessão (disponível somente para GoTo Meeting)
- (3) Alterar e reorganizar a visualização do feed de câmeras
- (4) Visualizar a lista de participantes e realizar várias ações como organizador, como silenciá-los, torná-los organizadores etc. (As opções dependem do tipo de sessão)
- (5) Bate-papo com outras pessoas — Isso só fica visível para organizadores, a menos que um organizador tenha iniciado um bate-papo direto com você
- (6) Acesse as configurações da sessão, como alternar o modo de áudio, visualizar a câmera e outras configurações gerais (As opções dependem do tipo de sessão)
- (7) Obter mais ajuda
- (8) Iniciar salas de descanso (se habilitadas)(Somente para sessões padrão)
- (9) Convidar outras pessoas para a sessão
- (10) Registrar a sessão (se o registro automático não estiver ativado)
- (11) Levante a mão ou use reações rápidas (se habilitado) (Somente para sessões padrão)
- (12) Desativar e ativar seu próprio som
- (13) Compartilhar a câmera
- (14) Compartilhar a tela
- (15) Sair ou encerrar a sessão (os organizadores terão opções adicionais para Encerrar sessão para todos ou Sair desta sessão, o que permite que ela continue sendo realizada com outros coorganizadores presentes)
- (16) Gerenciar participantes(As opções dependem do tipo de sessão)
- (17) Exibir as mãos levantadas como organizador
- (18) Visualizar/carregar materiais (até 5)
- (19) Lançar consultas, cronômetro e salas de descanso(as opções dependem do tipo de sessão)
- (20) Acessar o painel para monitorar o envolvimento e o uso dos materiais dos participantes
- (21) Visualizar, pausar, interromper ou ocultar o cronômetro de transmissão dos participantes (Somente para sessões padrão)
- (22) Gerenciar e responder às perguntas dos participantes
- (23) Gerenciar acesso de controle remoto(Somente para sessões padrão)
- (24) Use layout flexível(Somente para sessões padrão)
Features and tools
- (a) Mute and unmute yourself – Mute and unmute your audio during the session if you are using one of the built-in audio services.
- (b) Share your screen, change Presenter, and give keyboard and mouse control – Share your screen (desktop, an application, or a document), make someone else a presenter so they can share their own screen, and let other participants control your keyboard and mouse.
Note: Attendees on the browser-based app or mobile app will not be able to take keyboard and mouse control.
- (c) Share your webcam – Preview and share your webcam with others.
- (d) Manage your audio mode – You can switch from computer audio to phone mode (or vice versa) and enable/disable on-hold beeps and entry chimes.
- (e) See the Audience View – See a preview of what your attendees are seeing to make sure your presentation is on point!
- (f) Manage attendees – View and manage all your attendees, invite others to the webinar, add co-organizers so they have full control over the session and/or can continue running the session after you leave, and add panelists so they can have panelist capabilities.
- (g) Sent chat messages – Send messages to all participants or only to staff members.
- (h) Record the webinar – Record the webinar and share the recording for other registrants to view.
- (i) Use Drawing Tools (Windows only) – Use drawing tools to draw on your shared screen and better illustrate points.
- (j) Check the dashboard – Monitor the session at a glance (duration of the webinar, audience attentiveness, and more). See more below.
- (k) Launch polls – Ask attendees a question during a webinar then broadcast the results immediately.
- (m) Answer attendee questions – During a webinar, attendees can ask questions. Sort these questions, flag them with priority, and assign them to other organizer or panelists in the session.
- (n) Share handouts – Upload and share handouts that attendees can then download onto their own devices.
Use the dashboard
- Timer — This begins when the presenter starts sharing their screen. The duration of the session is based on the scheduled start and end times of your session.
- Attendance— This shows the number of participants in the session.
- Attentive — This displays the percentage of session participants who have the GoTo Webinar Viewer on top of all other applications in comparison to those who have the Viewer in the background. To check which attendees do not have GoTo Webinar in the foreground, open the Attendees pane and look for the glowing Attentive icon.
- Questions — This shows the number of attendee questions waiting for a response. Selecting the number opens the Questions pane where you can read and respond to open questions.
- Polls Given — This displays the number of polls that have been launched and closed over the total number of polls created for the session.
- Hands Raised — This shows the number and percentage of session participants who've raised their hands. Selecting the number opens the Attendee List where you can see who specifically has their hand raised. You can also use raised hands as a quick polling option. Just ask your attendees to raise their hands after your question.
Leave/end session
- From File in the top navigation, select Exit - End Webinar.
- Select the desired option for your situation:
- If there is already one or more co-organizers in the session, select Yes to confirm that you want to leave. The session will continue without you, and the other organizer(s) can take over facilitating.
- If there are not any co-organizers in the session, select Choose an Organizer & Leave. Then select an attendee from the drop-down menu and select Yes to confirm that you wish to make them an organizer. You will then exit the meeting.
- If desired, select End Webinar for All, and then select Yes to confirm that you want to end the session for everyone.
Switch between Control Panel and Grab Tab
- To shrink the Control Panel into the Grab Tab, select the Shrink icon .
- To expand the Grab Tab into the Control Panel (e.g., show all panes), select the Expand icon .