Gerenciar participantes
- Durante uma sessão ativa, abra o Pessoas painel.
- Selecione o nome do participante desejado e selecione o que deseja fazer:
- Mute - Selecione Mute ou Ask to unmute (se o participante tiver desativado o áudio).
- Fazer organizador/apresentador - Selecione Fazer organizador ou Fazer apresentador, conforme desejado. A função de organizador não pode ser removida depois de ter sido concedida. Se a opção de tornar alguém apresentador não for exibida, é porque você não é um organizador/coorganizador, ou o participante está em um aplicativo ou navegador que não oferece suporte ao compartilhamento de tela.
- Remover da sessão — Selecione Uso (ou Remover da reunião se estiver no aplicativo móvel).
- Conceder acesso de controle remoto — Se estiver compartilhando sua tela, selecione o mouse ícone ou selecione Controle na barra de ferramentas principal e selecione o nome do participante desejado. Consulte Como uso o controle remoto? para obter ajuda.
- Ativar/desativar a visibilidade dos participantes — Selecione Mostrar lista de participantes/Ocultar lista de participantes conforme desejar.
- Ativar/desativar webcam — Selecione Ativar câmera/Desativar câmera conforme desejar.
- Para desativar o áudio de todos, selecione . Desativar Permitir todos para ativar o som se você quiser manter todos os participantes silenciados e selecionar Desativar som. Se você quiser que os participantes possam desativar o áudio por conta própria, mantenha Permitir que todos desativem o áudio ativado.
- Se você vir a lista "Autor da chamada X", trata-se de um participante que discou para a audioconferência de um telefone e não inseriu um PIN de áudio para GoTo para que você o identifique. Eles são conhecidos como "autores de chamadas não identificadas" e podem ser gerenciados de uma das seguintes maneiras: primeiro, passe o mouse sobre a entrada e, em seguida, conclua as etapas a seguir:
Ação Etapas Renomear o autor da chamada Selecione .Você pode desativar o áudio ou não Selecione Manter desativado o áudio ou Permitir desativar o áudio. Dispensar Selecione Excuse.
Attendees pane icon key
Individual is connected via VoIP and unmuted | |
Individual is connected via VoIP and has muted themselves | |
Individual is connected via VoIP and muted by organizer | |
Individual is attempting to connect via VoIP | |
Individual is connected via phone and unmuted | |
Individual is connected via phone and has muted themselves | |
Individual is connected via phone and muted by organizer | |
Individual is attempting to connect via phone or they are connected but have not yet entered their audio PIN |
Individual is the current Presenter (staff only) | |
Individual has been given access to keyboard and mouse control | |
Individual is currently controlling the keyboard and mouse | |
Individual has a webcam connected (but is not sharing it) (staff only) | |
Individual is sharing their webcam (staff only) | |
Individual is not attentive (i.e., an application other than GoTo Webinar is at the forefront of their screen) | |
Individual has asked a question | |
Individual has their hand raised | |
Individual has been given access to drawing tools |
Mute and unmute attendees
By default, all attendees are automatically muted when they join the webinar.
Make an attendee presenter
The presenter has the ability to share their screen with other attendees during a session. As an organizer, you can make another attendee the presenter at any time (which does not cause them to automatically become an organizer) . The Presenter will then be able to make anyone else a presenter after them.
Make an attendee an organizer
Co-organizers are part of the staff who have access to the same organizer tools and features during a webinar and can help organizers facilitate the session or even start it on their behalf. Organizers can either add co-organizers before a session or promote them to the organizer role during a session. While organizers can make anyone a co-organizer of the webinar, only individuals who are also members of the same GoTo Webinar account will be able to start webinars on their behalf.
Give an attendee keyboard and mouse control
Presenters can grant other attendees shared control of the keyboard and mouse. This aids in collaboration as it allows them to move the mouse around your shared screen and use their own keyboard to type on it. Your mouse always has priority. You can override their mouse movements at any time to temporarily regain control without removing their access.
Stop/start attendee webcam sharing
Show/Hide Attendees pane for an attendee
If desired, you can allow attendees to see the Attendee list in their own control panels.
Result: A Checkmark icon will be displayed next to the selection when it is enabled, and will disappear when it is disabled.
Grant additional features
- Ability to view attendee list
- Ability to ask questions
- Ability to raise hands
- Ability to view session timer
Invite additional attendees
While it's recommended to invite attendees before the session, you can also add them during the session if you haven't met your attendee limit. Any invited attendees will need to complete the registration form first and then download the desktop app or GoTo mobile app to join.
Dismiss an attendee
You can remove an attendee from a session by dismissing them. They will then automatically leave the session and be notified that they were excused.
- From the Attendees pane, right-click the desired attendee's name and then select Dismiss <attendee name>.
- Select Yes when prompted.