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GoTo Meeting Attendee Guide

Learn how to use in-session controls on the GoTo app!

Set up your audio

When you first join the meeting, you are prompted to choose which audio method and camera you'd like to use and how you'll appear in the session upon launch.
Once you select your audio mode, choose your camera preferences. When you're ready, select Join.

Mute and unmute

Control your audio using the Mic icon in the primary toolbar. The icon glows white when you are unmuted and others can hear you.

You can also switch between computer and phone audio by selecting Settings icon > Audio.
Note: You're muted by default when you first join unless you choose otherwise in the Camera preview screen. If you're muted, select the Mic icon to umute yourself.

Mute and Unmute

Share your camera

You can start and stop sharing your camera using the Camera icon in the primary toolbar.

If you want to preview your camera first, select Settings icon > Camera. A preview of your camera feed appears.

How do I rearrange camera feeds?

When multiple attendees are sharing their cameras, you can choose to see only the presenter's camera, the camera of person currently speaking, or no camera at all.

How do I select a different camera if I have more than one plugged in?

If you have more than one camera device plugged in to your computer, you can select which device to use during the session.

Share Camera

Share your screen

If the meeting organizer grants you presenter permissions, then you can share your screen or even a specific application with the other attendees in the meeting.
Use the Share icon in the primary toolbar to start and stop sharing your screen once you have presenter controls.
Note: You will not see the presenter controls unless you are made the presenter by an organizer or the current presenter. Once you are made presenter, the additional presenter controls will display on your screen.

Share Screen

What is presenter mode?

Presenter mode (also known as "flexible layout" splits the GoTo desktop app into two windows when you are screen sharing.

Chat with others

You can exchange messages with other participants in the Chat pane.
Use the Send To menu to choose your chat recipient:
    • Everyone - All participants receive the message.
    • Organizer(s) only - All organizer(s) receive the message.
    • Individual participant - Only the selected person receives the private message.
You can choose to download chat messages to your computer. Chat window
Troubleshooting: If you can't send chats, the organizer may have disabled the feature.

Explore other features

The GoTo app offers additional features and tools for you to use during you session, including raising your hand and changing your language during a session.

How do I raise my hand?

Select React to raise your hand and grab your organizer's attention.

How do I change the app language?

Select Settings icon > General > Select a language to change the app language.

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