Quels sont les types de conclusion ?
Lors du développement dans des rapports d'appel, un champ de conclusion affiche des codes de cause standardisés pour vous aider à comprendre pourquoi (ou comment) chaque appel se termine. Disponible uniquement en anglais pour le moment.
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Avertissement: Le numéro de conclusion est affiché lorsque vous exporter le fichier.
Code de la cause | Définition |
0: 'Valid Cause Code Not Yet Received' | Indicates that a standard cause code of 1-127 was not received due to a complicated call scenario. |
1: 'Unallocated Number' | Indique que l'appelant ne peut pas être atteint parce que le numéro de partie appelé n'est pas actuellement acheminé. |
16: 'Normal Call Clearing' | Indique qu'un appel a été interrompu par une des parties concernées. Under normal situations, the source of this cause is not the network. L'appel a été normalement pris et a été répondu, mais les raisons de la cause pouvaient être :
17: 'User Busy' | Indicates that the called party is unable to accept another call because the user busy condition has been encountered. |
19: 'No Answer from User (user alerted)' | Indicates that the called party has been alerted but did not respond within a prescribed period of time. This cause may be generated by internal network timers. |
20: 'Subscriber Absent' | Indicates that a user/device is temporarily not addressable. This may be because the extension no longer exists or a device is unregistered. |
21: 'Call Rejected' | Indicates that the user or a user-set system setting, like DND, rejected the call from being answered. |
22: 'Number Changed' | Indicates that the number dialed by the calling party is no longer assigned. |
26: 'Non-selected User Clearing' | Indicates that the user has not been awarded the incoming call. |
27: 'Destination Out of Order' | Indicates that the destination indicated by the user cannot be reached because the interface to the destination is not functioning correctly. L'expression « ne fonctionne pas correctement » indique qu'un message de signal n'a pas pu être délivré à la partie distante ; par exemple, une défaillance de la couche physique ou de la couche de liaison de données à la partie distante, ou un équipement d'utilisateur hors ligne. |
28: 'Invalid Number Format (addr incomplete)' | Indicates that the called party cannot be reached because the called party number is not in a valid format or is not complete. |
29: 'Facility Rejected' | This cause is returned when a supplementary service, such as a third party auto attendant, requested by the user, cannot be provided by the network. |
34: 'No Circuit/Channel Available' | Indicates that there is no appropriate circuit/channel presently available to handle the call. This may be due to an at-capacity circuit on either side of the call. |
38: 'Network Out of Order' | Indicates that the network connecting the caller and callee is not functioning correctly. |
44: 'Requested Circuit/Channel N/A' | This cause is returned when the other side of the interface cannot provide the circuit or channel indicated by the requesting entity. |
58: 'Bearer Capability Not Available' | Indicates that the user has requested a bearer capability that is not available at this time. Bearer capability is when the calling system requests channel communication attributes at the start of the call, through which to communicate. |
102: 'Recovery on Timer Expiry' | Indicates that a procedure has been initiated by the expiration of a timer in association with error handling procedures. This is often associated with NAT problems. |
111: 'Protocol Error, Unspecified' | Reports a protocol error event only when no other cause in the protocol error class applies. |
127: 'Interworking, Unspecified' | Indicates that an interworking call (usually a call to SW56 service) has ended. |