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GoTo Connect Voicemail Guide

Everything voicemail, all in one place.

Set Up Your Voicemail

A voicemail box is pre-built into each user's line and all ring groups. You don't have to do anything to set up your voicemail unless you want to customize the greeting and settings.

See Manage Voicemail below for various setting options.

Customize your greeting

Before we get started, let's check a few things:
  • Make sure you are set up as a user with a line/extension. Reach out to your system admin if you are not set up yet.
  • Make sure your find me follow me settings go to your voicemail if you don't answer.

Record from your mobile app

  1. From the mobile app, select your profile picture from the top left.
  2. Select Phone & voicemail and then select Voicemail greeting.
  3. Select the record button next to one of the following message types:
    Option Description
    Unavailable Default and most common greeting used for a voicemail box.
    Busy Message Alternate greeting for use in a dial plan only.
    Temporary Message When recorded, this message overrides any other voicemail greetings. To remove a temporary message, it must be deleted.
  4. Select Record to start recording your greeting.
  5. Select Stop to end the recording. Before you save the greeting, you can play, discard, or re-record your greeting.
  6. Select Save.
  7. Select Mobile Trash Icon to delete a greeting.

Record from your desktop app

  1. Sign in to the desktop or web app.
  2. Select your profile picture in the top right and then choose Settings.
  3. Expand Voice in the left sidebar and then choose Voicemail.
  4. From Voicemail greetings, select Show options to view all voicemail greeting types:
    Option Description
    Unavailable Default and most common greeting used for a voicemail box.
    Busy Message Alternate greeting for use in a dial plan only.
    Temporary Message When recorded, this message overrides any other voicemail greetings. To remove a temporary message, it must be deleted.
  5. Select Record next to the desired greeting type and then choose your microphone from the new window.
    If you don't see the record button, you'll need to enable microphone access.
  6. Select Start recording to record your greeting.
  7. Select Stop recording to end the recording. Before you save the greeting, you can play, discard, or re-record your greeting.
  8. Select Save.
  9. Optional: Tap Trash Icon to delete a greeting.

Record from your desk phone

Use this option to record a voicemail greeting from your desk phone. You do not need any admin permissions for this option.
  1. Press the voicemail button on your phone or dial *98/*99 from your phone to access the voicemail menu.
  2. Dial your password (default 0000). Learn more from the Voicemail Menu Guide.
  3. Press 0 for Mailbox Options.
  4. Record the desired greeting type:
    Setting Description
    Press 1 to record an Unavailable Message

    Default and most common greeting used for a voicemail box.

    Press 2 to record a Busy Message

    Alternate greeting for use in a dial plan only.

    Press 3 to record a Name Plays the recorded name followed by an automated message (only plays if no unavailable message exists).
    Press 4 to record a Temporary Message

    When recorded, this message overrides any other voicemail greetings. To remove a temporary message, it must be deleted.

  5. Follow the voice prompts to accept, review, or re-record the recording.
What to do next: To delete a temporary message, dial *98 or *99 to access the voicemail menu. Press 0 for Mailbox Options, 4 for Record Temporary Message, and then 2 to Delete Temporary Message. If you are a system admin, you can also delete these directly from the admin portal.

Turn on notifications for my voicemail

Desktop & web app

  1. Sign in to the desktop or web app.
  2. Select your profile picture in the top right and then choose Settings.
  3. Expand Voice in the left sidebar and then select Voicemail.
  4. From Notifications Options, enable Voicemail-to-email and then enter your email address to receive new message notifications.
    Note: Email communications will be sent from, or Please ensure these domains are allowed so that emails are not automatically filtered as spam.
    Tip: Use a specially formatted email address provided by your cell phone carrier to send notifications via text message (SMS). Check with your carrier for more details.
  5. Enable Attach voicemail recording and then choose the format:
    Option Description
    .wav49 Smallest file size, won’t play directly from browser (default).
    .wav Largest file size, more compatible with mobile devices.
    .mp3 Smaller file size.
  6. Enable Delete messages after emailing.
    Note: Deletion is permanent (we cannot retrieve deleted messages) and will prevent voicemail management from a phone, GoTo, and our mobile app.
  7. From Voicemail box, enable Voicemail transcription to review voicemail transcriptions in the or from your voicemail email notification.
  8. Enable Message review to give your callers the option to press # to listen to their message and optionally re-record it.
    Note: There is no prompt for callers to press # after recording their voicemail. Make sure to include these instructions in the voicemail greeting.
  9. Enable Escape to operator and then choose an extension to allow your callers to press 0 to be transferred, rather than leaving a message.
  10. Select Change password to change your voicemail password.
    • The default password is 0000.
    • Your password must be at least four digits.

Mobile app

  1. From the mobile app, select your profile picture in the top left.
  2. Select Notifications.
  3. From Phone, enable the toggle for Voicemails.
  4. Optional: Choose the voicemail sound notification from Sound.
  5. Optional: To receive email voicemail notifications, enable the toggle for Also notify me by email.
    1. Select Email options.
    2. Enter your email address to receive new voicemail notifications.
      Note: Email communications will be sent from, or Please ensure these domains are allowed so that emails are not automatically filtered as spam.
    3. Optional: Enable Attach voicemail recording and then choose the format.
    4. Optional: Enable Delete after emailing.
      Note: Deletion is permanent (we cannot retrieve deleted messages) and will prevent voicemail management from a phone, GoTo, and our mobile app.

Set Your Password

By default, your password is 0000. If you want to change that, follow these steps:

Mobile app & Desk Phone

  1. Press the voicemail button on your desk phone or dial *98/*99 to access the voicemail menu.
  2. Dial your password (default 0000).
  3. Press 0 for Mailbox Options and then press 5 to change the password.
  4. Enter your new password of at least four digits and then press #.
  5. Re-enter the new password and then press #.

Desktop and Web app

  1. Select your profile picture in the top right and then select Settings.
  2. Expand Voice in the left sidebar and then select Voicemail.
  3. From Password, select Change password.
  4. Enter your new voicemail password and then select Update password.

Check Voicemail

Check and manage your voicemail.
Before you begin:
  • A single voicemail box holds up to 99 messages. Once it is full, callers will be unable to leave new voicemail messages. Learn how to delete voicemails.
  • If you have Delete Message After Sending enabled in your voicemail notification settings, your voicemails will be permanently deleted (we cannot retrieve them) once they are emailed.
  • If you need to set up your voicemail greeting, click here.
  • To forward your voicemails elsewhere, see the Voicemail Menu Guide for the steps.

Personal Desk Phone

See your phone guide to learn where to find voicemail on your phone.
  1. Dial *99 from your phone or press the Messages key.
    Note: Depending on the phone model, this button may have an envelope icon on it.
  2. If there are multiple lines assigned to the device, select the desired line before completing these steps.
  3. Dial your password (default 0000). Learn more from the Voicemail Menu Guide.

Desktop or Web app

  1. Select Phone in the left navigation menu and then select Voicemail from the left panel.
  2. Hover over a voicemail message for options.

Mobile app

  1. Select Phone and then select Voicemails.
  2. Select Mobile Play Icon (play icon) to listen to a voicemail. Select a voicemail entry for additional options or to view the full transcription (if enabled).
    Tip: Select Mobile Filter Icon to filter your voicemails by All Voicemails, Unread Voicemails, or Read Voicemails.

Remote Phone

  1. Call your office extension.
  2. Press * when you hear the voicemail greeting begin.
  3. Dial your password (default 0000). Learn more from the Voicemail Menu Guide.

Other voicemail boxes (e.g., shared voicemail box)

  1. Dial *98 from your desk phone or app.
  2. Enter the extension.
  3. Dial your password (default 0000). Learn more from the Voicemail Menu Guide.

Manage Voicemail

Delete voicemails

Remove unneeded voicemails from your system to avoid a full voicemail box.
Note: A single voicemail box holds up to 99 messages. Once it is full, callers will be unable to leave new voicemail messages.

Desktop and Web app

Watch Video
Note: Voicemail is managed per line. Select the desired line if multiple extensions are assigned to your account.
  1. Sign in to the desktop or web app.
  2. Select Phone in the left sidebar and then select Voicemails from the left navigation.
  3. Hover over a voicemail message for options.
  4. Select Mobile Trash Icon.
    Tip: If you accidentally delete a voicemail, you will momentarily have a chance to select Undo.

Mobile app

Watch Video
Note: Voicemail is managed per line. Select the desired line if multiple extensions are assigned to your account.
  1. Select Phone from the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select Voicemails.
  3. Select a voicemail entry for options.
  4. Select Delete.

Personal Desk Phone

See your phone guide to learn where to find voicemail on your phone.
  1. Dial *99 from your phone or press the Messages key.
    Note: Depending on the phone model, this button may have an envelope icon on it.
  2. If there are multiple lines assigned to the device, select the desired line before completing these steps.
  3. Dial your password (default 0000).
  4. Press 1 for new messages or 2 to open a different folder.
  5. Once you have found the message you want to delete, press 7.

Remote Phone

  1. Call your office extension.
  2. Press * when you hear the voicemail greeting begin.
  3. Dial your password (default 0000).
  4. Press 1 for new messages or 2 to open a different folder.
  5. Once you have found the message you want to delete, press 7.

Forward a voicemail to another box

  1. Dial *98 or *99 to access the voicemail menu.
  2. Press 1 for New Messages.
  3. Press 8 for Forward Message.
  4. Choose if you want to prepend the message or forward without a prepended message and then hang up.

Change your settings

  1. Sign in to the desktop or web app.
  2. Select your profile picture in the top right and then choose Settings.
  3. Expand Voice in the left sidebar and then select Voicemail.
  4. Customize the following options:
    • Voicemail-to-email notifications Watch Video
    • Email voicemail recording format
    • Delete messages after emailing voicemail
    • Allow message review
    • Escape to operator
    • Change password

Change your greeting

Record from your mobile app

  1. From the mobile app, select your profile picture from the top left.
  2. Select Phone & voicemail and then select Voicemail greeting.
  3. Select the record button next to one of the following message types:
    Option Description
    Unavailable Default and most common greeting used for a voicemail box.
    Busy Message Alternate greeting for use in a dial plan only.
    Temporary Message When recorded, this message overrides any other voicemail greetings. To remove a temporary message, it must be deleted.
  4. Select Record to start recording your greeting.
  5. Select Stop to end the recording. Before you save the greeting, you can play, discard, or re-record your greeting.
  6. Select Save.
  7. Select Mobile Trash Icon to delete a greeting.

Record from your desktop app

  1. Sign in to the desktop or web app.
  2. Select your profile picture in the top right and then choose Settings.
  3. Expand Voice in the left sidebar and then choose Voicemail.
  4. From Voicemail greetings, select Show options to view all voicemail greeting types:
    Option Description
    Unavailable Default and most common greeting used for a voicemail box.
    Busy Message Alternate greeting for use in a dial plan only.
    Temporary Message When recorded, this message overrides any other voicemail greetings. To remove a temporary message, it must be deleted.
  5. Select Record next to the desired greeting type and then choose your microphone from the new window.
    If you don't see the record button, you'll need to enable microphone access.
  6. Select Start recording to record your greeting.
  7. Select Stop recording to end the recording. Before you save the greeting, you can play, discard, or re-record your greeting.
  8. Select Save.
  9. Optional: Tap Trash Icon to delete a greeting.

Record from your desk phone

Use this option to record a voicemail greeting from your desk phone. You do not need any admin permissions for this option.
  1. Press the voicemail button on your phone or dial *98/*99 from your phone to access the voicemail menu.
  2. Dial your password (default 0000). Learn more from the Voicemail Menu Guide.
  3. Press 0 for Mailbox Options.
  4. Record the desired greeting type:
    Setting Description
    Press 1 to record an Unavailable Message

    Default and most common greeting used for a voicemail box.

    Press 2 to record a Busy Message

    Alternate greeting for use in a dial plan only.

    Press 3 to record a Name Plays the recorded name followed by an automated message (only plays if no unavailable message exists).
    Press 4 to record a Temporary Message

    When recorded, this message overrides any other voicemail greetings. To remove a temporary message, it must be deleted.

  5. Follow the voice prompts to accept, review, or re-record the recording.
What to do next: To delete a temporary message, dial *98 or *99 to access the voicemail menu. Press 0 for Mailbox Options, 4 for Record Temporary Message, and then 2 to Delete Temporary Message. If you are a system admin, you can also delete these directly from the admin portal.

Add a temporary greeting for vacation/holiday/etc.

  1. Press the voicemail button on your desk phone or dial *98 or *99 from your desk phone or softphone app to access the voicemail menu.
  2. Dial your password (default 0000).
  3. Press 0 for Mailbox Options.
  4. Press 4 to record a temporary message.
  5. Follow the voice prompts to accept, review, or re-record the recording.
  6. Hang up.
    Note: If you have a pre-recorded voicemail greeting file that you want to use, reach out to your system admin to have that greeting uploaded to the system and assigned to your line.

Remove a temporary greeting

  1. Press the voicemail button on your desk phone or dial *98 or *99 from your desk phone or softphone app to access the voicemail menu.
  2. Dial your password (default 0000).
  3. Press 0 for Mailbox Options.
  4. Press 4 for Record Temporary Message.
  5. Press 2 to Delete Temporary Message.

Transfer a call to voicemail

Desktop & Web app

  1. While on an active call, select Transfer.
  2. Search for a contact's name, extension, or number.
  3. Select the transfer destination and then select Send to Voicemail.

Mobile app

  1. While on an active call, select Transfer.
  2. Search for a contact's name, extension, or number.
  3. Select the transfer destination and then select Send to Voicemail.

Personal Desk Phone

A blind transfer routes a call to another party without speaking to them first. You need to know how to do this from your specific phone before you can transfer a caller directly to a voicemail box. If you need more help, check out our phone guides for details.
  1. While on an active call, initiate a blind transfer from your phone.
  2. Transfer the call to 0 + extension.
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