- From , select Add.
- From the Create New Rule menu, complete the following settings in the general tab for the inbound traffic rule:
- In the From field, enter LAN.
- In the To field, enter WAN.
- In the Source Port field, enter Any.
- In the Service field, enter Any.
- In the Source field, enter Any.
- In the Destination field, enter the name of the Address Group created earlier.
Note: All other general settings can remain as they are.
- From the same Create New Rule menu, complete the following settings in the advanced tab for the inbound traffic rule:
- In the UDP Connection Inactivity Timeout field, enter 300 seconds.
- In the Disable DPI field, make sure this is checked if available.
- Select Add when complete to create the rule.
- Repeat step 1 to create a second rule.
- From the Create New Rule menu, complete the following settings in the general tab for the outbound traffic rule:
- In the From field, enter WAN.
- In the To field, enter LAN.
- In the Source Port field, enter Any.
- In the Service field, enter Any.
- In the Source field, enter the name of the Address Group created earlier.
- In the Destination field, enter Any.
Note: All other general settings can remain as they are.
- From the Create New Rule menu, complete the following settings in the advanced tab for the outbound traffic rule:
- In the UDP Connection Inactivity Timeout field, enter 300 seconds.
- In the Disable DPI field, make sure this is checked if available.
- Select Add when complete to create the rule.
What to do next: After these rules are created you should use the priority modifiers to move these rules to the top of their respective lists. This ensures that traffic matches and follows the policy for the rules just created rather than an existing rule in place.