What's the difference between online and corporate accounts?
The differences between online self-service accounts and larger corporate accounts which Corporate Account Services and their respective billing portals.
Some billing contacts sign in to the Billing Center at https://billing.goto.com to manage their GoTo Webinar billing info themselves. However, other billing contacts for larger accounts (referred to as "corporate" accounts) typically work with their dedicated GoTo representative (or by contacting Corporate Account Services) to manage their account on the Corporate Billing Portal at https://link.goto.com/corp-billing.
Billing Center
The Billing Center allows billing contacts to add and manage subscription plans, change billing frequency, view and print the billing history for each renewal, and update payment information.

Corporate Billing Portal
The Corporate Billing Portal allows billing contacts for "corporate" accounts to change billing contacts, edit purchase orders, and manage price quotes with a GoTo representative.
Billing contacts for these accounts must contact their GoTo representative or Corporate Account Services to add subscriptions for additional products or change the billing contact for the account.
For additional information, please view Corporate Billing Portal FAQs.