Fix poor, choppy or robotic audio quality
There are several things that could cause poor audio quality. See what can be done based on how you connected to the session.
I'm on macOS 14 Sonoma
We've detected audio and video issues for users on macOS 14 Sonoma. This is a result of our technology stack (combination of software, tools, and third-party services we use to power the GoTo app). We've reported our findings and are continuously monitoring the issue.
If you haven't upgraded to macOS 14 Sonoma, please wait until all issues are resolved. If you're on macOS 14 Sonoma and are experiencing audio or video issues, please try connecting to audio via phone call or join the session from the GoTo mobile app.
I am connected using my mic and speakers (VoIP)
- Try closing all applications you aren't using to free up some bandwidth.
- If you're using a dial-up Internet connection with VoIP, it may cause poor performance. For optimum performance when using VoIP, we recommend using a broadband Internet connection.
- If the problem persists, try switching to phone mode instead.
I am connected using my telephone
- Try hanging up and dialing in again to see if it's an issue with the current connection.
- Try using a different telephone to see if it's an issue with the phone itself.
- If the problem persists, try switching to computer mode (mic and speakers) instead.
If you are still experiencing poor audio quality, visit the GoTo Meeting Community forums for troubleshooting or select Contact Support for further help.