Verwalten Sie meine Produktlizenzen im Admin Portal
Wenn Sie Administrator Ihres Firmenkontos sind, können Sie Produktlizenzen für alle Benutzer Ihres Kontos erwerben, zuweisen und verwalten.
GoTo Admin
Eine Produktlizenz hinzufügen
Before you begin: Zur Durchführung dieser Aufgabe muss Ihnen die
Rolle eines Administrators oder Superadministrators zugewiesen werden.
Sie können eine Produktlizenz in
GoTo Admin hinzufügen, wann immer Sie einen neuen Benutzer hinzufügen, von
, oder
. Die folgenden Schritte zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie auf der Seite
Produkte eine Produktlizenz hinzufügen.
Assign a product license to a user
Before you begin: You must be a Super admin or an Admin, or have the "Manage users" role permissions, to perform this task.
You can assign a product license whenever you
add a new user. However, if you want to assign a license to a user that's already been added, follow these steps:
- Melden Sie sich bei GoTo Admin an.
- Wählen Sie
Benutzer aus dem linken Navigationsmenü.
- Select Users from the left panel.
- Hover your mouse over the desired user, select the
icon at far right, then select Add products.
- Check the box next to each product you want to assign to that user. Click the arrow at far right of each product to enable or disable specific product features.
- Optional: Check the box next to Send product change notification email.
- Select Add products.
Remove a product license from a user
Before you begin: You must be a Super admin or an Admin, or have the "Manage users" role permissions, to perform this task.
Important: Removing a GoTo Connect Standard license from a user does not remove the user's Contact Center license. You must manually remove the user from all call queues, outbound queues, and inbox queues they are assigned to so those users are not billed for a Contact Center license.
- Melden Sie sich bei GoTo Admin an.
- Wählen Sie
Benutzer aus dem linken Navigationsmenü.
- Select Users from the left panel.
- Hover your mouse over the desired user, select the
icon at far right, then select Remove products.
- Check the box next to each product you want to unassign from that user.
- Optional: Check the box next to Send product change notification email.
- Select Remove products.
Removing a Contact-Center user from all call, outbound, and inbox queues
If you've removed a GoTo Connect Standard license from a user, you must also unassign them from all call, outbound, and inbox queues. This ensures that you won't be billed for a
Contact-Center license for that user.
- Wählen Sie
Telefonanlage aus dem linken Navigationsmenü.
- Under Contact center in the left panel, select Call queues.
- Select the desired call queue(s).
- Within each queue, select the Supervisor and Agent tab.
- Search for the user. If the user is listed, select the blue "X" in the Unassign column to remove the user from the queue.
- Repeat steps 3-5 for Inbox queues and Outbound queues.
Article last updated: 27 January, 2025