Enhanced Audio FAQs
Enhanced Audio is an add-on that provides session participants toll-free numbers as a built-in audio option. This gives your attendees a way to avoid long-distance and toll charges when they connect to the session audio by dialing in.
Will there be Universal Service Fund charges?
Because Enhanced Audio is fully integrated with GoTo Meeting, GoTo Webinar, GoTo Training (itself a non-telecommunications service), GoTo is no longer obligated to contribute any Enhanced Audio revenues to the FUSF so there is no longer any need for GoTo to collect a USF fee on your invoice.
When am I charged?
The account is billed on a per-minute basis, and the billing admin will pay usage charges at the end of each monthly billing cycle, even if you are on an annual plan.
What countries are included in Enhanced Audio?
If you are a GoTo Meeting, GoTo Webinar, or GoTo Training user, view the Audio Country List for the latest supported countries.
If you are a GoTo Connect user, view the Audio Country List for the latest supported countries.
What audio options will be available for the organizer and their attendees?
Organizers and attendees can dial in to the meeting from their phones from 50+ countries. They can even choose to have GoTo call them!
Do my users need to enable anything?
Yes. After you purchase the add-on, users will have access to toll-free numbers. They can change their default audio options and update the countries for which phone numbers are provided at the account or meeting level.
Will attendees be charged?
No. With Enhanced Audio, you are offering session participants dial-in audio options at no cost to them!