Create and manage WhatsApp templates to use when sending outbound messages to customers.
Before you begin: You must have access to your WhatsApp Business Manager account with Meta/Facebook.
WhatsApp requires you to use an approved template(s) when sending outbound messages to customers who have yet to message you, or who have not sent you a message in the last 24 hours.
For more information on WhatsApp templates, please refer to
template guidelines on Meta's support site.
- Sign in to WhatsApp Business manager.
- To create a custom WhatsApp template, select .
Tip: Select Template library from the left navigation to browse pre-written WhatsApp templates.
- Select a template category.
Restriction: The following templates are currently not supported by GoTo:
- Authentication
- Catalog
- Flow
- Carousel
- Multi-Product (MPM)
- Templates that contain a header type of 'Image', 'Video', 'Document', and 'Location'. 'Text' headers are supported.
- Templates that contain quick reply buttons
- Select Next.
- Enter the template name and select the language.
- Add your content:
- Body: Write you message. Enhance your message by using emojis, font enhancements such as bold, italics, and strikethrough, monospace and variables.
- Optional: Footer: Include footer text for the end of your message.
Tip: Once all information is added, visually review how your message's contents will appear to the end-user in the Template Preview.
- Select Submit for review.
Results: All custom WhatsApp templates must be reviewed and approved. Approval typically takes a few minutes but may take to 24 hours. Click the refresh button to view the latest status of your template. After the template status is approved and shows an Active status, the template can be used to send outbound WhatsApp messages in the shared inbox.