Share videos during the webinar (Classic)
Organizers can upload up to 20 MP4 videos or YouTube links to share during a webinar. During the session, the presenter can then select and play those videos directly from the control panel.
Upload videos to a webinar (organizers only)
Results: Uploaded videos are displayed at the bottom where organizers can rename them by selecting the Title field or delete by selecting the Trash icon.
Play videos during a webinar (presenter)
Results: Once the video is done playing, the Viewer will remain open with the last video frame shown until the presenter closes out of the Viewer.
View videos during a webinar (attendees)
- Only the presenter playing the video has access to the playback controls and has the ability to start, pause or stop the video feed for all attendees (i.e., they do not have the ability to stop and start the video at their own discretion).
- When a presenter shares a video, the video's audio feed will only be played through Computer audio (mic and speakers). This means that any attendees who have dialed into the audio conference using Phone audio will hear the video play through their computer or device's speakers rather than over the phone.
- If an attendee is not hearing the audio properly (whether they are connected via Computer or Phone audio), they should check the volume on their computer's speakers and/or check their device output. It's possible that the audio is playing through a different output (like a USB headset that is plugged in).
- Once the video is done playing, the Viewer will remain open with the last video frame shown until organizers close out of the Viewer. Previously shared webcams will be disabled and replaced with the video once sharing begins.