Emails (Administrator)
Admins can provide organizers with privileges to receive emails that send reports or recordings of their conference call to the organizer.
Admins can choose 1 of the following options per feature setting that can be later be set by the organizer in the OpenVoice website:
- On – By default, this feature is turned on (enabled), but the organizer can turn off (disable) this feature.
- Off - By default, this feature is turned off (disabled), but the organizer can turn on (enable) this feature.
- Disabled – The organizer cannot use this feature. The option is locked in the organizer web app.
- Required – The organizer must use this feature. The option is locked in the organizer web app.

- Automatically send attendee report to organizer
- Automatically send recording link to organizer — To listen to the recordings, organizers need to log in with their organizer credentials on the OpenVoice website and click Recordings in the left navigation to view the list of recordings.
Note: Organizers may need to wait for approximately 30 minutes after the close of the conference for the recordings to be visible. Longer recordings may take additional time.