Schedule a Meeting - for Google Calendar
Users with paid subscription plans can schedule and start meetings - including recurring meetings - directly from Google Calendar using the new Chrome extension.
Install the extension
- Open the extension in the Google Workspace Marketplace at
- Click .
- If prompted, sign in to Google. Then click Allow.
Add to a Calendar event
You can add conferencing to both one-time and recurring events (although there are limitations for recurring events. see them under “Limitations”).
- Create a new Google Calendar event, or click Edit on an existing one.
- Click Personal Link Meeting. or
- If this is your first time using the add-on you might be prompted to connect your account to your Google account. Follow the instructions that appear in the new window if so.
- All conference information is automatically added to the event under Joining instructions, including preferred phone numbers and the join link.
- Click the icon in the right-navigation of Google Calendar to see a list of upcoming meetings.
Start a scheduled Calendar event
As the presenter, you can start meetings from within Google Calendar. Note that this will only work for meetings that are schedule to begin in 24 hours or less. This process will launch the meeting as the presenter (as opposed to clicking the join link in the invitation, which will join as an attendee).
- In the menu bar on the right, click the icon.
- Click Start next to the desired event.
Start an ad-hoc meeting from Calendar
As the presenter, you can also launch an unscheduled meeting from within Google Calendar.
- In the menu bar on the right, click the icon.
- Click Start under Personal link meetings to launch your personal meeting, or click Start under One-time code meetings to launch a new ad-hoc session.