Install Active Directory Connector v2
The Active Directory Connector (ADC) is a desktop application for Windows that uses a simple installation wizard. Because it is a Windows service with a user interface, you will need to enter a Windows admin credentials to allow the software to launch.
The Active Directory Connector (ADC) receives Active Directory user updates and automatically makes the same changes in your GoTo account.
If you already have the Active Directory Connector v2 installed and want to get the latest version, please view Update the ADC.

Before you begin...
Be sure that you have reviewed the Active Directory Connector v2 Requirements before proceeding.
Install the ADC
- Download the Active Directory Connector Setup folder and extract the files to a convenient location on the local drive.
- From the extracted folder, launch the Active Directory Connector setup.exe file and select Run to launch the Setup Wizard.
- Select Next to start the installation.
- Update or accept the location on disk for the installation, then select Next.
- Select Next to install the application and Yes to confirm.
- When the Installation Complete dialog displays, select Close. The ADC folder is populated with files.
- Double-click ActiveDirectoryConnectorAdmin.exe to start the ADC. Select Yes to confirm, and the Active Directory Connector Admin software will launch.
You can configure the optional steps below, or proceed to Configure the Active Directory Connector v2 for next steps.
Steps for setting up the Active Directory Connector v2 and managing users in User Sync: