Change my webcam feed and preferences (Classic)
Attendees can change the webcam placement and filters in their Viewer. This will only impact your view of GoTo Webinar.
Notice: Seeing something different? You may be on joining from our new GoTo app. This article addresses the classic platform. View Rearrange the camera feeds for the steps you need.
Change webcam filters
Attendees can choose to view all, some, or none of the shared webcams.
- From the GoTo Webinar Viewer, select Everyone in the upper toolbar.
- Select the desired webcam filter:
- View everyone — Display all webcams that are being shared.
- View who's talking — Display only the current speaker.
- View presenter — Display only the current presenter.
- Hide webcams — Display no webcams.
Change webcam placement
Attendees can change where the webcam feeds are placed within the
GoTo Webinar Viewer.
- Select Webcams in the upper toolbar.
- Select the desired placement of the webcam feeds:
- Share My Webcam — If you're a staff member, share your webcam.
- Hide All Webcams — Hide all webcams from your view.
- Sidebar Position — Position webcams to the top, left, bottom, or right side of your Viewer.
- Undock webcams — Undock the webcams to another screen. This option is only available if you are connected to more than 1 monitor.
- Preferences — Open your desktop app preferences.
Split webcams from the shared screen
View the shared content on one screen and webcams on another screen.
Note: You must be connected to more than 1 monitor to view this option.
- Select Use two screens in the upper toolbar.
- To merge the two screens, select Use one screen.