Register for a Webinar
To join a webinar as an attendee, you have to first register for the session ahead of time using the registration URL (usually starts with in the GoTo Webinar invitation.
Attention: You do not need to sign in or create an account as an attendee.
If you are running into trouble while registering, there are a couple of factors to consider. First, make sure that you are using a valid email address format while registering and that you are using a supported browser to complete the form. We recommend using the most recent 2 versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, or Microsoft Edge. Please
check your browser version and update, if needed. If you see either of the following two messages, you can contact the organizer directly for further clarification and help at their discretion:
- Webinar is full — This means the session has reached the maximum number of registrants allowed.
- You do not have access — This means that the organizer has rescricted certain domains for security measures.
What to do next: To best prepare for your upcoming session, we recommend you run a system check to ensure compatibility, and download any needed software ahead of time. There will be links to do these tasks on the confirmation email. Should you need to contact the organizer for any reason, their contact information can be found in both the registration confirmation email and any reminder emails. When it's time for the session to start, select
Join URL in your confirmation email.
Note: Please don't share this URL with anyone as it is unique to you. However, the same URL can be used to join all sessions in a webinar sequence should that be applicable to you. If you are registering for a series instead where you choose which ones you'll attend, then a new URL specific to each session will be provided with each session's confirmation email.