Sobre as funções de sessão e conta
Confira estes GoTo Meeting funções. Se você fizer parte de uma conta de vários usuários (ou seja, conta com mais de um organizador), poderá ter uma ou mais funções listadas abaixo. Se você fizer parte de uma conta de usuário único, deterá todas as funções (ou seja, você também será o administrador de cobrança e poderá gerenciar suas configurações de conta e produto na sua conta, e não no Centro de administração.
View session roles
This is the basic user role for an account. An organizer has a GoTo Meeting account and manages and hosts sessions that attendees can then join. Organizers have control of all in-session features including starting, recording, and ending the meeting. While scheduling a session, an organizer can designate other attendees to be organizers. During a session, the scheduling organizer is the default presenter and may either begin presenting or pass the presenter controls to another organizer.
An organizer can add co-organizers to their sessions before or during a session, allowing them to have access to some organizer tools and features and to help with facilitating sessions. Although co-organizers can access all the same in-session features as the organizer, they do not have access to post-session features like reporting, archiving recordings, and follow-up emails.
A presenter is the person who is sharing their screen with the audience. The GoTo Meeting organizer is always designated as the initial presenter but the presenter role can be easily passed to another organizer or attendee. Presenters may also give other organizers the ability to control their keyboard and mouse.
Attendees do not need an account with GoTo Meeting to join an organizer's session. They do not have or need any login information and have very limited control once in session. By default, attendees can view the presenter's screen and may remotely control the presenter's computer screen if given the privilege. They may optionally chat with other attendees, use Drawing Tools and view the Attendee list.
View account roles
Account administrator
The account administrators are organizers with special privilege and access to the Admin Center where they can add and manage the organizers in the account. They can also update product settings and manage reports for the account. Note that there is no limit to how many organizers can be account admins for any given GoToMeeting account.
Billing contact
The billing contact is an account administrator with special privilege to the account's subscription plan. They can change plans, modify the billing information and manage other account settings. Note that only one account admin can be the billing admin for any given GoToMeeting account.
Exibir tabela de comparação de usuários
Recurso | Participantes | Organizadores | Administradores da conta | Contato de cobrança |
Conta necessária | ||||
Ingressar em sessões | ||||
Programações e sessões de acolhimento | ||||
Gerenciar configurações pessoais | ||||
Adicionar e gerenciar outros organizadores | ||||
Gerenciar configurações de toda a conta | ||||
Alterar planos de subscriptplanos de negócios | ||||
Alterar informações de faturamento |