View Administrative Activity History in the GoTo Admin Center (classic)
View the Activity Feed
Access the Activity Feed drop-down menu at the top-right of the page for a quick glimpse of the number of failed and pending tasks, and a list of all actions initiated by any admin on the account within the last 12 hours. Admins can immediately view failed actions and keep track of pending actions (such as bulk settings changes or large reports) while continuing on with other tasks.
- The white "pending" number displays the number of processes occurring in the background.
- The red "failed" number displays the processes that encountered an error and were unsuccessful over the last 12 hours.

Use the Activity History
Access the Activity History page by selecting Activity History in the navigation menu. This page allows admins to view more granular information about changes that have occurred in the GoTo Admin Center (classic), and customize their view of these changes as follows:
- Use the drop-down menus to filter by activity type, admin, and status (failure or success).
- Use the pre-populated date range selections, or manually select your date range (must be within 31 days or less).
- View the total number of activities, days within the selected date range, admins for the account, and changes that were failures or successes (based on your filtered selections)
Once selections have been made, each activity will display the following information:
- Date and time completed
- Activity that occurred
- Status of the activity (success or failure)
- Name of individual user (or number of users) or group that the activity affected
- Details about the activity that occurred (including user names if multiple users, and reason for Failed tasks with instructions on how to resolve)
- Admin who initiated the activity (the admin for User Sync tasks is listed as "Sync user" instead of the admin's name)
For any task that has failed, select Details to view the reason for the failure (e.g., out of licenses when adding a new user), including instructions on how to resolve the issue. Once corrected, select Retry to restart the activity again.