Uninstall LogMeIn Hamachi
Depending on your operating systems, there are a number of options to remove Hamachi.
Follow the instructions to remove LogMeIn Hamachi from your Windows computer:
- Go to your Windows Start menu and select .
- Select Hamachi and select Uninstall.
- Choose if you want to Remove all user settings and LogMeIn Hamachi configurations.
- If you select this option, all your networks and membership information will be lost.
- If you leave the option unselected, you will have all your networks on the LogMeIn Hamachi user interface when you reinstall Hamachi.
- Select Uninstall.
Uninstalling LogMeIn Hamachi on Mac
Follow the instructions to remove LogMeIn Hamachi from your Mac:
- In Finder, go to the Applications folder and double-click HamachiUninstaller.
- Choose if you want to Remove all settings and Hamachi configurations.
- If you select this option, all your networks and membership information will be lost.
- If you leave the option unselected, you will have all your networks on the LogMeIn Hamachi user interface when you reinstall Hamachi.
- Select Yes.
- Enter your Mac user password and select OK.
Uninstalling LogMeIn Hamachi on Debian-based Linux
Follow the instructions to remove LogMeIn Hamachi from your Linux computer running Debian-based operating system, such as Ubuntu:
- Go to and enter your root user password.
- Search for logmein-hamachi in the Package Manager.
- Right-click logmein-hamachi and select Mark for Removal.
- Select Apply.
- Select Apply again for confirmation.
- To remove your LogMeIn Hamachi user and network settings, delete the /var/lib/logmein-hamachi/ folder on your computer.
Uninstalling LogMeIn Hamachi on Red Hat-based Linux
Follow the instructions to remove LogMeIn Hamachi from your Linux computer running Red Hat-based operating system, such as Fedora:
- Go to Add/Remove Software and enter your root user password.
- Search for logmein-hamachi in the Package Manager.
- Clear the checkbox next to logmein-hamachi.
- Select Apply.
- To remove your LogMeIn Hamachi user and network settings, delete the /var/lib/logmein-hamachi/ folder on your computer.
Uninstalling LogMeIn Hamachi after a tarball installation on Linux
Follow the instructions to remove LogMeIn Hamachi from your Linux computer if you installed in client from a tarball (.tar file):
- Open a Linux console.
- To remove the LogMeIn Hamachi client, type /opt/logmein-hamachi/uninstall.sh
- To remove your LogMeIn Hamachi user settings and networks, delete the /var/lib/logmein-hamachi folder.