Set Statuses
Learn what statuses mean in the context of GoToAssist Service Desk, how to create, edit and delete them.
Like categories, statuses are optional arbitrary descriptions that can be applied to incidents to represent the status of the incident. Statuses can be added under "Not Resolved" or "Resolved." Statuses allow technicians to gauge an incident's state at a glance and are useful for reporting purposes. Assigning a status to an incident doesn't trigger any actions.
Create incident statuses
1. Click Configure > Services > [select the service] > Incidents > Statuses.
2. Click create some 'not resolved' statuses now or create some 'resolved' statuses now to create categories for the first time, or Add Another Status if you already have some set up.
3. Enter descriptive names for your new statuses.
4. Use the Arrow icon to change the order of the statuses to modify how they appear on the incident form (i.e., "Unassigned" should come before "In progress").
5. If you want the status to be able to remain blank on the incident form, check the "Allow blank" check box.
6. Click Save when finished.
Edit or delete incident statuses
1. Click Configure > Services > [select the service] > Incidents > Statuses.
2. Make modifications as desired. Click the Delete icon next to the statuses you want to remove.
3. Click Save when finished.