The Active Queries Monitor
The Active Queries monitor displays all active customer queries in the order they were received. Use this monitor to survey the status of all incoming customer postings to ensure that your representatives are responding within established service goals.
The Active Queries monitor includes the following information:
- Rep:Name of the representative to which the query was posted
- Query: Displays the text of the customer question or a “Session Initiated” message for SmartBox portals, or the activation PIN when Phone Mode is used)
- Status: Status of the query, as follows:
- Posted - The customer's query has displayed to representatives.
- Not Downloaded / Waiting for Customer / Queue Join - Customer and representative are in stages of connecting.
- In Session - Customer and representative are connected and in session.
- Call Center Queued - Query has entered the queue to await the next available representative.
- Aborted - All representatives have refused or ignored the query.
- Connect Error - Customer and representative failed to connect due to a download interruption.
- Ended / Finished - The support session has ended.
- Time: Amount of time the status has been at its current state
- Actions: Enables a manager to monitor a session by clicking the Monitor icon
, or cancel a query by clicking
- Portal: Name of the portal to which the query was posted (shown i
f all portals are being viewed)
- Team: Name of the team to which the representative belongs
Note: A manager must be logged in to HelpAlert in order to directly monitor a session. See Silent Session Monitoring for more details.