Manage Representatives
Representatives are the individuals who are assigned to receive, respond to and support customers and can be added and managed by account- and team-level managers (if enabled by account-level manager). They are assigned a HelpAlert login that allows them to receive queries from and support customers using those portals/subportals to which they have been granted access by a manager.
In addition, managers can grant representatives limited access to the Management Center. Representatives may be assigned to only 1 team but may be assigned to multiple portals/subportals. Representatives are assigned function settings either on an individual (i.e., per-representative) or per-team basis (i.e., if an individual representative's setting are adjusted, the team settings will not be affected).
The Manage Representatives pages allows account- and team-level managers to control HelpAlert representatives and their logins. As an organization's members change, managers can quickly and seamlessly add, edit or remove HelpAlert logins.
Add a representative manually
- Click in the left-navigation.
- Enter the required information for the new representative, as follows:
- Team - Select the team to which the representative should belong.
- Login - Create a login (i.e., username) for the representative.
- Name - Enter the first and last name of the representative.
- Password - Create a password for the representative.
- Screen Name - Create a screen name for the representative; this name will appear to customers when chatting with representatives.
- Custom - Add any notes or tags for the representative for additional group management.
- Click Add to List to add the new representative to the Pending List. If desired, complete Step #2 again to add additional representatives. To remove a representative from the pending list, select it and click Remove from List.
- Click Add Representatives.
- Confirm and click Continue. See Change Representative Settings for next steps.
Add multiple representatives via batch entry
Managers can add multiple representatives by entering a .csv formatted list.
- Click in the left-navigation.
- Click the click here for batch entry link at the top of the page.
- In the Batch Entry field, enter the list of representatives in the following format: parent team name, team name, login, first name, last name, password, screen name, custom.
- Click Add Representatives. See Change Representative Settings for next steps.
Move a representative between teams
- Click Representatives in the left-navigation.
- Select the check box(es) of the desired representative(s).
- In the Move Selected Representatives to drop-down menu, select the representative's new team.
- Click Note: Team-level managers can only move representatives from one team to another if they are a manager on both teams.
Edit a representative
- Click Representatives in the left-navigation.
- Click the name of the representative.
- Make desired changes, then click Save Settings.
Delete a representative
- Click Representatives in the left-navigation.
- Select the check box(es) of the desired representative(s).
- Click Note: Once a representative login is deleted, you will be unable to run reports on that representative. However, portal reports will still reflect that representative's sessions and data.