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Management Center Quick Start Guide

Learn how to use advanced manager features and oversee representative performance.

Get Started

The GoToAssist Corporate Management Center offers advanced management and reporting tools that provide supervisors and managers the ability to manage representatives, access detailed performance reports, review chat transcripts, replay screen-sharing sessions, and monitor live activity.

To get started using the Management Center, the first step is to log in to your manager account from your desktop computer to access the web app.

About user roles

There are various levels of user roles for GoToAssist Corporate: company manager, API manager, team manager, and representative. Let's review the differences each role has to offer.

Q: What is a company manager?

A company manager is an account administrator (i.e., account-level manager) whose account is created by an internal admin when a GoToAssist Corporate account is set up. Company managers can add and manage API & team managers, as well as restrict access to some features and/or require the use of others. Company managers log in to their account via the Management Center at Learn more.

Q: What is an API manager?

An API manager has the ability to use the GoToAssist Corporate REST API for User Provisioning, which is available at An internal admin must enable a company manager with the ability to create new API managers. API managers log in to their account via the Management Center at Learn more.

Q: What is a team manager?

Team managers can view and manage teams of representatives to which they are assigned. Depending on their team-level rights, team managers can restrict or require access to certain features and tools for their assigned teams and/or representatives. Team managers log in to their account via the Management Center at Learn more.

Q: What is a representative?

Representatives are users who are assigned to receive, respond to, and support customers using GoToAssist Corporate. These users can be added and managed by company managers, as well as team-level managers (if this permission is enabled by a company manager). They are assigned a HelpAlert login that allows them to receive queries and support customers using portals/subportals to which they have been granted access by a manager. Representatives log in to download HelpAlert at Learn more.

Note: If a representative has been granted Management Center access, they can also log in to the Management Center at

Login FAQs

Q: I was given a manager login and password for my new account. What's next?

Welcome to GoToAssist Corporate! When a new manager is added to an account, they are provided the login credentials by the manager who created their account. The next step is to log in at with your new manager credentials. Learn more.

Q: How do I reset my manager password?

If you have forgotten your password or need to reset it, go to Password Recovery, enter and confirm your Login (must be in email address format), then click Submit. Learn more.

Q: Are there different login sites for managers and representatives?

Yes. Company, team, and API managers log in to, while representatives log in to
Note: If a representative has been granted Management Center access, they can also log in to the Management Center at

Q: How do I know if I have a company or team manager account?

When you log in at, look at the menu items in the left navigation. If "Managers" is displayed as a menu item, you are a company manager; if this option is not displayed, you are a team manager.

Manage personal settings

The "My Settings" page provides the ability for you to change your own Management Center password, email address, time zone and language preferences. Learn more.

Q: How do I change my logoin settings?

  1. Click My Settings in the left navigation.
  2. Modify the login settings.
  3. Click Save Settings when finished.

Q: How do I change my language settings?

  1. Click My Settings > Language in the left navigation.
  2. Select your desired language from the options displayed.
  3. Click Save Settings.

Manage Users & Teams

Use the Management Center to add and manage representatives, and group 1+ representatives into teams and/or subteams that can be assigned to specific customer portals for fielding queries. Access to features & tools can be configured by settings across all representatives within a team, or ad-hoc per representative(s), which overrides the team settings. Company managers and team managers are able to configure these settings.

Manage team members

The "Managers" page allows company managers to create team managers who can log in to the Management Center to view and manage those teams to which they are assigned (team managers may be assigned to manage more than one team, but they may not create other team managers). The team manager may be enabled to set a number of team-level and representative-level rights. Learn more.

Q: How do I add a team member?

  1. Go to Managers > Add Managers in the left navigation.
  2. Fill in the required manager settings listed here.
  3. Click Add Manager when finished. See Change Manager Settings to modify.
Note: If the manager also has a HelpAlert login, their Management Center login must be different, but the email address can be the same.

Q: How do I delete a team manager?

  1. Click Managers in the left navigation.
  2. On the Mangers tab, use the search fields to find and select the check box(es) of the desired manager(s).
  3. Click Delete Selected Managers > OK.

Manage teams

Teams and subteams are groups made up of 1+ representatives, which enables company and team managers to group representatives into nested teams for centralized administration and management. While teams may be configured to accept queries from 1 or more sub-portals, representatives may only be assigned to 1 team at a time. However, they may be moved from 1 team to another by managers. Learn more.

Q: How do I add a team?

  1. Click Teams in the left navigation.
  2. Enter a name in the text field at the bottom and click Add Team.
  3. On the Add Team tab, modify the team settings.
  4. Click Add Team when finished. See Change Team Settings to modify.
Note: Team settings may be overridden on a per-representative function. Functions must be turned on at both the portal and representative levels to be enabled for a specific representative.

Q: How do I add a subteam?

  1. Click Teams in the left navigation.
  2. Click the Arrow icon next to the desired team to add a subteam.
  3. Enter a name in the text field and click Add Subteam.
  4. On the Add Subteam tab, modify the subteam settings.
  5. Click Add Subteam when finished.
Note: Subteam settings may be overridden on a per-representative function. Functions must be turned on at both the portal and representative levels to be enabled for a specific representative.

Q: How do I assign representatives to a team or subteam (and its portal/subteam)?

  1. Ensure that the desired team is assigned to the desired portal (Teams > [select team] > Portal).
  2. Click Representatives in the left navigation and select the desired representative (or add a new one).
  3. Use the Team drop-down menu to assign the representative to the team or subteam.
  4. Click Save Settings when finished.

Q: How do I assign teams (and their representatives) to a portal/subportal?

  1. Click Teams in the left navigation and select the desired team.
  2. Use the Portal drop-down menu to assign the team to the desired portal.
  3. Click Save Settings when finished.

Q: How do I delete a team or subteam?

  1. Click Teams in the left navigation.
  2. Select a team or subteam.
  3. Click Delete Team or Delete Subteam.
Note: Deleting a team or subteam does not delete the assigned representatives from your account.

Manage representatives

Representatives are the individuals who are assigned to receive, respond to, and support customers; they can be added and managed by company and team managers (if enabled by company manager). They are assigned a HelpAlert login that allows them to receive queries from and support customers using those portals/subportals to which they have been granted access by a manager.
Note: Managers can grant representatives limited access to the Management Center. Learn more.

Q: How do I add a representative manually?

  1. Click Representatives > Add Reps in the left navigation.
  2. Enter the required information for the new representative.
  3. Click Add to List to add the new representative to the Pending List. If desired, complete Step #2 again to add additional representatives. To remove a representative from the pending list, select it and click Remove from List.
  4. Click Add Representatives.
  5. Confirm and click Submit. See Change Representative Settings to modify.

Q: How do I add multiple representatives via batch entry?

  1. Click Representatives > Add Reps in the left navigation.
  2. Click the Click here link at the top of the page.
  3. In the Batch Entry field, enter the list of representatives in the following format: parent team name, team name, login, first name, last name, password, screen name, custom.
  4. Click Add Representatives. See Change Representative Settings to modify.

Q: How do I move a representative between teams?

  1. Click Representatives in the left navigation.
  2. Select the checkbox(es) of the desired representative(s).
  3. In the "Move Selected Representatives to" drop-down menu, select the representative's new team.
  4. Click Move Representatives > OK.
Note: Managers can grant representatives limited access to the Management Center. Learn more.

Q: How do I edit a representative?

  1. Click Representatives in the left navigation.
  2. Click the name of the representative.
  3. Make desired changes, then click Save Settings.

Q: How do I delete a representative?

  1. Click Representatives in the left navigation.
  2. Select the checkbox(es) of the desired representative(s).
  3. Click Delete Selected Representatives > OK.
Note: Once a representative login is deleted, you will be unable to run reports on that representative. However, portal reports will still reflect that representative's sessions and data.

Portal Settings

Customer portals are websites that provide a starting point for customers to join support sessions and connect with representatives who are logged in to HelpAlert.

When created, each customer portal has its own unique URL that is specific to the account for which it was created (with the exception of the GoToAssist.Me portal). Additionally, there are portal types (i.e., GoToAssist modes of connection) that define the layout and display available text fields that are shown to customers when they visit the customer portal.

Note: Customizing portal settings is only available to company managers. Disabling settings on a per-portal basis will also disable those settings for all representatives assigned to those portals.

About per-portal settings

Company managers can view portals and subportals within the Management Center, as well as adjust* portal settings and assign representatives to each selected portal. All customer queries come through a subportal and are routed to representatives who are logged in to that subportal through the GoToAssist Corporate HelpAlert software. When assigned to a subportal, representatives can use various HelpAlert software features within a support session, including file transfer, screen sharing, retrieval of diagnostic information, and many others.

*A company manager's ability to change portal settings must be enabled by an internal admin.
Note: Each portal automatically includes at least one subportal. Features can be enabled on a per-portal basis.

Change portal settings

Company managers are able to enable and disable functions on a per-representative or per-portal basis. The "Portals" page allows company managers to enable functions on a per-portal basis (see Change Representative Settings for information about enabling settings on a per-representative basis). Functions must be enabled on both a per-portal and per-representative basis in order for them to be enabled for a specific representative.

  1. Click Portals in the left navigation and use the Arrow icons to find and select the desired subportal.
  2. Use the Portal Settings tab to modify settings on a per-portal basis.
  3. Click Save Settings when finished.
Note: Click the View current portal representatives link in the top navigation to go to the “representatives” page, where you can assign representatives to a portal/subportal via teams.

Enable email notificaiton of completed sessions

You can enter an email address to receive information about completed sessions, including customer and representative ratings.
  1. Click Portals in the left navigation and use the Arrow icons to find and select the desired subportal.
  2. At the bottom of the Portal Settings tab, enter an email address and click Save Settings.
  3. You can modify the email address field at any time and click Save Settings.

Manage business hours

If business hours or schedule(s) for holidays/events is enabled for the portal, the name of each will be listed under the following:
  • Assigned Portal Business Hours Set
  • Assigned Portal Business Hours Holidays/Events
To view and manage business hours and holiday/events for a portal, click Manage Business Hours. Learn more.

Assign representatives to a portal/subportal via teams

  1. Ensure that the desired team is assigned to the desired portal (Teams > [select team] > Portal).
  2. Click Representatives in the left navigation and select the desired representative (or add a new one).
  3. Use the Team drop-down menu to assign the representative to the team or subteam.
  4. Click Save Settings when finished.
  5. Click Teams in the left-navigation and select the desired team.
  6. Use the Portal drop-down menu to assign the team to the desired portal.
  7. Click Save Settings when finished.

About running as a Service

A support session can be run either as an application on a remote machine or as a service. To run as a service, an additional component is downloaded onto the remote machine, which gives the representative even more access to the computer. Running as a service provides the following benefits:
  • Overrides User Account Controls (UAC)
  • Allows the representative to log the end-user off and log in using the representative’s own credentials
  • Allows the representative to reboot using Safe Mode

Monitor Live Activity

Managers can use dashboards and silent session monitoring to oversee all live interactions between representatives and the customers they support.

Manage dashboard monitors

The dashboard monitors feature enables you to temporarily observe the real-time status of incoming queries posted by customers, as well as the status of representatives who are logged in to HelpAlert. Dashboard monitors are accessible via the Management Center for all company and team managers.

Note: Dashboards automatically time out after 12 hours.

Q: How do I add a dashboard monitor?

  1. In the left navigation, click Dashboard.
  2. Select a monitor to add to the dashboard from the "Add a Monitor" drop-down menu.
  3. Configure the monitor settings listed here.
  4. The dashboard will continue to monitor the queries, representatives, or queue as configured after you log out of the Management Center.

Q: How do I remove a dashboard monitor?

  1. In the left navigation, click Dashboard.
  2. Click the Close icon to remove the dashboard monitor.

Silent session monitoring

Using the silent session monitoring feature, managers may view and monitor an active remote session while invisible to the customer and all representatives. See Dashboard Monitors for information about creating monitors that are visible to other managers within the Management Center. Because the configuration of the Management Center varies depending upon the settings chosen by account administrators in the Admin Center, managers may not see all features and options when logging into the Management Center.

Q: How do I monitor an active session?

Managers can open the Viewer and Chat box of the active support session in either via the HelpAlert application or the Management Center. Learn more.

  1. Log in to the Management Center, create an Active Queries Monitor and click the View icon next to the active support session.
  2. Once the connection has established, the Viewer Window and/or Chat Box appear. The manager is invisible to the customer and all representatives (i.e., no chat or remote control ability).
  3. To stop monitoring the session, click the Close icon or select File > Leave Session.

Generate Reports

The Reports feature provides various pre-configured reports that allow you to analyze portal and representative performance, service metrics, and customer feedback. Please keep in mind that report data is only stored for 90 days. Additionally, representatives can run pre-configured reports based on their own support sessions if they are granted permission to this feature by a company or team manager.

About reports

You can generate detailed reports on all aspects of each support session or chat interaction that occurs between your representatives and customers.

Q: What reports are available for managers with Management Center access?

Q: What reports are available for representatives with Management Center access?

Create & manage reports

Q: How do I create a report?

  1. Click Reports in the left navigation.
  2. On the Reports tab, create a new report by configuring the settings listed here.
  3. Click Generate Report.
  4. If you attempt to generate a report using the "Date Range: Begin/End Dates" drop-down menu, then selecting a "Begin Date" and "End Date" for session data outside of the date range allowance will display a message, "Session data is only stored for 90 days. Date range begins too far in the past."
Note: Because reports open via pop-up windows, they may not generate properly if you have pop-up blocking enabled in your web browser.

Q: How do I save a report?

  1. Complete Steps #1 - 2 of "How do I create a report?" (listed above).
  2. Instead of clicking the Generate Report button, enter a name for the report and click Save Report.
  3. The report appears in the "My Reports" list at the bottom of the page and remains available for 90 days.
Note: You can also set up recurring reports to be automatically emailed to you. See Enable Scheduled Email Delivery for more information.

Q: How do I edit, run, or delete a saved report?

  1. Click Reports in the left navigation.
  2. Use the "My Reports" list at the bottom of the page to do the following:
  • Run a saved report – Select the report and click Generate to generate a report based on the newest data.
  • Edit a saved report – Select the report and click Edit to modify the parameters of the saved report.
  • Delete a saved report – Select the report and click Delete to remove it from the list.

Set up monthly reports

The Monthly Reports feature provides various reports to analyze portal, team and representative performance, monitor service metrics, and view customer feedback up to 1 year from the date the report was created. Managers can search for report data using the fields or select an existing report.

Q: How do I create a monthly report?

  1. Click Reports > Monthly Reports in the left navigation.
  2. Click the Create a new monthly report link.
  3. Create the new report by configuring the settings listed here.
  4. Click Save when finished. The report appears on the "Select Monthly Report" list.

Q: How do I edit, download, or delete a monthly report?

  1. Click Reports > Monthly Reports in the left navigation.
  2. On the "Select Monthly Reports" tab, you can do the following:
  • Search for report data – Select search parameters and click Search.
  • Delete reports – Select the report and click Delete to remove it.
  • Download reports – Select a format type and click Download to download a new copy of the monthly report.
  • View report details – Select the report and click View Details to open a new window.

Enable scheduled email delivery

The scheduled email delivery feature allows you to schedule saved reports to automatically email to a specified email address.

Q: How do I set up automatic email delivery?

  1. Complete Steps #1 - 2 of "How do I create a report?"
  2. Instead of clicking the Generate Report button, configure the options below the button listed here.
  3. Click OK when finished.
  4. Click the My Settings link to change the email address to which the reports should be sent. This will change your account email address.

Session review

With access to session review, you can replay a recorded video of all activity that took place for each session, as well as export chat transcripts and remote diagnostic information. You can also review a security feature that allows you to set up a passphrase that can be used for any representative or manager that would like to review a session.

About reports

You can generate detailed reports on all aspects of each support session or chat interaction that occurs between your representatives and customers.

Replay a session recording

Managers and representatives with Management Center access can use Session Review to review support sessions, including viewing session chat transcripts, remote diagnostics and session recordings.

Q: How do I replay a recorded session and review session information?

  1. In the left-navigation, click Session Review.
  2. If prompted by Java, click Allow, Run or OK.
  3. Search for a session by either entering the Session ID or using the portal, team, and/or date range drop-down menus.
  4. Click Find.
  5. In the search results, you can choose to view the chat transcript, replay a session in the Viewer, and/or review the remote diagnostics. Learn more.

Export a session recording

Company managers can export session recordings to WMV format for all representatives, and team managers can export only for those representatives assigned to the teams they manage. Representatives can export session recordings only from the sessions they create.
Note: If your portal has been configured to save recordings locally to the representative and/or customer's computer, recordings will be saved at the end of each session automatically. For more information, please see Access Local Session Recordings.

Q: How do I export a session recording?

  1. In the left navigation, click Session Review.
  2. Search for a session by either entering the Session ID or using the portal, team, and/or date range drop-down menus.
  3. Select the desired session to export and click the Review icon to open the Viewer window. If a session is older than 90 days, an Unavailable Data icon will appear with a message, "Data no longer available – Session data is only stored for 90 days."
  4. If prompted, accept the download to allow the session to load. If needed, restart the download by clicking download & run GoToAssist Replay.
  5. On the Viewer menu bar, select File > Export to WMV.
  6. Select the desired screen resolution and click Begin Exporting.
  7. On the Export File window, browse to the desired storage location. If desired, rename the file and click Save.
Note: Configurations vary. You may have an additional icon allowing you to view local screen sharing sessions.

Access local session recordings

A representative's portal settings can be enabled by their GoToAssist account administrator for session recordings to be saved locally on the representative's and/or customer's Windows computer. When this setting is enabled, the screen activity that occurs during their support session will be saved as a file on their computer, and can be played back using the GoToAssist Session Replay application. Learn more.
Note: Saving and playing back session recordings is not supported for Mac customers.

Q: What are the benefits for saving session recordings locally?

Saving session recordings locally allows account holders to be alleviated of data privacy concerns where session recording data cannot be stored by 3rd parties or in the U.S. due to company policy restrictions. Additionally, accounts that need the flexibility of hosting support sessions whose session recording data exceeds our maximum file size of up to 200 MB and/or those who need to access recordings past the standard 90 day storage time frame, can also benefit from allowing this data to be stored locally.

Q: How do I enable local session recording?

This feature can only be enabled by a GoToAssist account administrator. If you are the company manager or primary contact for your GoToAssist Corporate account and would like to enable this feature, please contact Customer Care.

Q: How do I access my locally saved recording?

Session recordings will be saved at the end of the support session in a folder called "G2ACRecordings" within the "My Documents" or "Documents" folder of the Windows user profile (e.g., C:\Users\<username>\Documents\G2ACRecordings) on the local computer of the representative who hosted the support session and/or the customer that joined the session. The file extension (.g2a) is a proprietary session recording format that can only be played back using the GoToAssist Corporate Session Replay app.
Note: Instructions for navigating to "My Documents" or "Documents" may vary depending on the version of Windows you are using.

Q: Where can I download the Session Replay app?

You can download the latest version of the Session Replay app here.

Q: How do I play back my session recordings?

  1. Locate and open GoToAssist_Corporate_ReplayApp.exe.
  2. Once opened, go to File > Open Session File...
  3. Locate and select your desired recording from the G2ACRecordings folder.
  4. Click Open.
  5. The session recording will play back within the Session Viewer window.
  6. If desired, you can export your session recording to be saved in .wmv file format.

Set up a session replay passphrase

Managers can create a unique passphrase that is required to be used by representatives and other managers in order to replay session recordings.
Note: Managers should take caution to not forget their Session Replay passphrase. There is no way to reset a forgotten passphrase. If it is forgotten, a completely new portal must be created and there will not be a way to access the previously recorded sessions.

Q: How do I create a session replay passphrase?

  1. In the left navigation, click Session Review.
  2. Click the Session Replay Passphrase link below the results box.
  3. Select the desired portal from the drop-down menu.
  4. Enter your personal Management Center password.
  5. Enter and re-type a Session Replay Passphrase, then click Submit.

Q: How do I change or remove a session repaly passphrase?

  1. Click Session Replay in the left navigation.
  2. Click the Session Replay Passphrase link below the results box.
  3. Select the desired portal from the drop-down menu.
  4. You can either change the password or remove the password completely.